Incredible San Diego Fox & Animal Encounter Tour

Viktor and I during a specialty photoshoot session. – Photo by Anabel at Deliquesce-Flux

I urge anyone who is an animal lover to check out this animal encounter tour if you are located in the San Diego or Southern California area. I’m an animal lover and I try to advocate for them as often as I can. It was one of the reasons I am on my journey to eat vegan. Foxes are one of my favorite animals. They hold a sense of magic and mystery, and of course they are absolutely adorable. Their playful, yet cunning behavior is why Foxes are often found in ancient folklore of many cultures around the world.

When I found out about the new JABCEC Center that opened to the public in 2019, I was eager to find out more. JABCECC stands for the Judith A. Bassett Canid Education and Conservation Center. It is lovingly named after the mother of one of the founders due to her love for canines and other canid creatures.

Definition of Canid:
a mammal of the dog family ( Canidae ).

Where is the JABCEC Center?

Located in the mountains of Mt. Palomar, it is approximately 2-hours away from San Diego central. With its close proximity to other wildlife facilities such as the infamous San Diego Zoo, The Wild Animal Park and the Nurtured by Nature Otter Experience, JABCECC is a great addition to add to your animal encounter adventure tour.

When we travel, we like to always add a nearby animal experience to learn about the wildlife conservation in that particular area. Sometimes we visit Farm Sanctuaries and other animal conservation centers that help to educate the public about the importance of helping animals and stopping the trade of horrific animal practices. Always do your research before visiting any Animal Encounter to make sure they are not exploiting the animals for human gain, such as riding elephants in Asia which is a big no-no.

Check out our other Animal Encounter Tours on our blog:
Swimming with Manta Rays on Big Island Hawaii
Lili House Farm in Volcano, Big Island Hawaii
Cutest Paso Robles Bed & Breakfast Farm Stay

What is the JABCEC Center?

Ishi the fox with black and white marbleized fur pattern. SAY NO TO THE FUR TRADE!
Gorgeous marbleized fox fur, bred this way for the fur trade. SAY NO TO FUR!

The JABCECC is still in its infancy and is continuously being built upon. Do not expect a large bustling center with a grand facade similar to a zoo or museum. Their main goal is to educate the public and host one-on-one, educational sessions during their Fox & Canid Animal Encounter. Make sure to check their website for the most updated pricing.

As of mid 2020, the center houses several rescue foxes from Russia, a handful of Singing Dogs from New Guinea and a new hybrid wolf pup.
According to the JABCECC website, their mission statement is “Promoting Animal Conservation through Education, Animal Assisted Therapy Programs,  and Compassionate Research built upon our Guiding Principles.  We accomplish this through educational seminars, meet and greet animal encounters, conducting research to be published in peer reviewed journals, and collaborating with others that share our vision.  We partner with other organizations, universities, individuals, foundations, and corporations that can improve the lives of canids and humans through the human-canid relationship.”

Fox & Animal Encounter- Education and Conservation

When you purchase a special Animal Encounter Tour at the JABCECC, you will get to meet most of the domesticated foxes such as Viktor, Maksa and Mikhail who are the most well behaved and trained to interact with the public.

Amy and David Bassett will be your private guides and education ambassadors. You will also get to meet the New Guinea Singing Dogs who are known as one of the most primitive canine species that still exist on Earth. (They don’t actually sing, but they do love to yip and howl which is quite entertaining to listen to.)

Ishi the fox with black and white marbleized fur pattern. JABCECC San Diego
Ishi the fox with black and white marbleized fur pattern.

Meet the Domesticated Foxes

Your animal encounter at JABCECC allows you to interact in an enclosed space with domesticated foxes straight from Siberia, Russia. Please note that you will need to sign waivers, the foxes are still considered wild animals after all. During the 1-hour session, you will learn about the horrific on-going fur trade that still exists in the United States. And the inhumane Fox Hunting culture in the United Kingdom. Plus the history and science behind the domestication of foxes. And of course, you will be able to feed, pet and hold the incredible animals. It is important to wear proper clothing that you wouldn’t mind getting a bit dirty. You will also leave smelling a bit like skunk due the musky odor that foxes emit naturally.

New Guinea Singing Dogs

The history of the New Guinea Singing Dogs is fascinating. Known as the most primitive canine species still alive on Earth to this day, they are practically living fossils. “As they are likely very much like dogs were in appearance and behavior 10,000 years ago.  They were originally found on the island of New Guinea and it is believed that they were living there for thousands of years completely independent from humans.  It is thought that at some point during the stone age people brought their domesticated dogs with them from Asia as they migrated into Australia and New Guinea.  At this point in time these two land masses were combined as the sea levels were lower.  These animals would have been very much like the very first dogs that were originally brought out of the wild to live in a unique relationship with man.”

Fox & Animal Encounter Photo Sessions

One of the best animal experiences at the JABCECC are the special photoshoot sessions that they host. To raise funds for their facility, JABCECC has a wonderful photographer who volunteers her time and skills to capture incredible images of you with their domesticated foxes.
Make sure to follow their social media and check for special mini-photo sessions with big discounts.
Please note that the photo sessions do not include the educational tour and special interactions with all the animals at the center.

You can also hire your own photographer and book a special 1-hour session directly with JABCECC for wedding, maternity or cosplay photos.

I highly recommend visiting this wonderful facility and help them raise funds and awareness for their beloved canids. It’s a great animal experience to gift a loved one if they are a lover of foxes and other woodland creatures.

If you will be visiting the San Diego area or if you reside nearby, I highly recommend adding the JABCEC Center to your San Diego itinerary.

Miksa and I during a specialty photoshoot session at JABCECC
Miksa and I during a specialty photoshoot session. – Photo by Anabel at Deliquesce-Flux

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16 Replies to “Incredible San Diego Fox & Animal Encounter Tour”

  1. Foxes are my absolute favourite animal and they’re all so beautiful in your photos! So, so envious of your photoshoot!

    1. Foxes are such amazing little creatures.

  2. World of Lina says: Reply

    Aw this looks like such an amazing and great place for foxes! The photos are gorgeous & I love the fact you’re vegan too 🙂

    1. Awww thank you! Are you vegan? So awesome!

  3. This is such a cool and unique experience! I looove the pictures. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I’m glad you liked them.

  4. This sounds like such a wonderful experience! It’s so nice to read about places like this doing great work protecting animals.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love visiting places like this and giving them a spotlight.

  5. I did a San Diego Zoo Animal Encounter about 10 years ago and had an absolutely amazing time, I think that zoo is the best one in the world and these behind the scenes tours are SO worth the money! Next time I go I will certainly do another one!

    1. That sounds like a great tour! I need to check it out!

  6. These photos are fantastic! and the foxes looks so cute!

  7. Such an interesting experience! I love the fact that you can hire a photographer for your own photo shoot.

  8. Wow! What an incredible sounding experience. I love how close you can get with them! I’ll definitely have to visit next time I’m in California!

  9. Aww these cuties! Always wanted to cuddle a fox!

  10. wow never seen a fox experience before, there are so many foxes on the streets of london they are so common here

  11. I’m all for animal rescue/advocacy as well–I’d love to do an animal encounter there someday! So awesome that you got to do this! <3

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