Our 2021 Travel Bucket List Destinations

Photo by Sean O. on Unsplash

This post has been updated to reflect the year of 2021 instead of 2020, due to the interruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in March.
We hope to start our travels again in 2021! Stay safe everyone!

For the new year of 2021, I wanted to create a Travel Bucket List of destinations we would like to visit. Just for this year. We may not be able to visit them all, but it is nice to dream right?
As usual, we would like to stay fairly close to our home-base which is Southern California. Due to our senior dogs getting old and the hubby not being 100% up to snuff yet, we try to avoid trips across the ocean that require more than 5-6 days to explore. Plus, the less carbon emissions we use from flying, the better.

We actually had booked a mini weekend road trip back at the end of December 2019 to visit Death Valley California. But the weather didn’t work with us. Literally the day before we were set to leave, there was a huge rain storm that completely wreaked havoc on the roads in and out of Death Valley. The roads were too icy, closed off and anyone driving on them would be stuck for hours. So we had to cancel and reschedule our trip. Thankfully, we booked it using our Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card. And they were kind enough to provide a full refund on the day of check-in.


January – Death Valley, California

We have rescheduled our weekend trip to the end of January 2020 instead! Lets hope the weather is in our favor this time around.
UPDATE: We came, we saw, we conquered. Death Valley was so incredible! Visit my post about the beautiful desert and find out why it should be on your own Bucket List!

Why is Death Valley on our Travel Bucket List?

Believe it or not, Death Valley is pretty close to us and we have never ever been! Just a few hours of driving and it’s practically on the way to Las Vegas. But for some reason, we never really knew what it was. We thought it was just some giant vast barren desert that gets super duper hot and everything is dead. (In fact, a lot of people have this misconception.)
But when I happen to come across some photos of it on Instagram, I was flabbergasted by the landscape. Plus, I found out many scenes from the Star Wars movies and shows were filmed there.

It does indeed get very hot there. Over the Summer, it can reach over 120F degrees! That’s why we opted to visit it during the Winter months when it ranges in the 60Fs during the day, and around the 30Fs at night. I hear it is also spectacular for star gazing! These are just some of the reasons why Death Valley is on our travel bucket list for 2020.

February – Big Island, Hawaii

I have been to Oahu, Hawaii over 15 years ago and it was with my family. It was not a very eventful trip. I honestly don’t remember much about it. The hubby has been many times before as well. But we have never been together. We have always had the plan to visit Hawaii over the last few years but nothing ever panned out. One of my bucket list items was to visit the flowing lava of the Kīlauea volcano on the Big Island. But unfortunately, in 2018, the volcano erupted. Now all the lava flow has “dried” up, so to speak. No more of the red hot flowing magma is visible anymore.

Why is the Big Island on our 2020 Travel Bucket List?

I had to switch gears and decided that snorkeling at night with Manta Rays would be my new Bucket List item. We booked our excursion with Sea Paradise. And the rest of our Hawaii trip is booked and ready for us in February. We will be staying a couple of nights in Kona on the West side of the Island at the Sheraton Kona Resort. One night in the Volcano National Park at an AirBNB Treehouse, and then two more nights in Hilo on the East side of the island at another AirBNB.

Snorkeling at night sounds a bit sketchy to me, especially for someone who is not a strong swimmer. So we’ll see what happens. Cross your fingers that I don’t drown!
We also have a helicopter tour booked out of Hilo which sounds exciting. Hopefully both of these big adventure excursions can be crossed off our travel bucket list without any mishaps. Yeah, I know, I’m an anxious traveler. I can’t help it.

UPDATE: March 2020
We cancelled our Helicopter tour due to the accident that killed Kobe Bryant, his daughter and so many other people. So unbelievably sad and tragic.
We just returned from our Hawaii trip and our Night Snorkeling with Manta Ray experience was incredible! Go read all about our tour and how we got sea sick!

Potential Locations for our 2021 Travel Bucket List

April – Page, Arizona

Why is Page, Arizona on our Bucket List?

We are big time nature lovers and we love exploring unique landscapes. When we had a chance to visit Sedona and the Grand Canyon, Arizona in the Spring of 2019, we were amazed by the rock formations there. We wanted to visit more places like this and were told that Arizona’s Antelope Canyon, Lake Powell and The Wave were not to be missed. We haven’t officially booked anything yet, but these two spots are definitely on our 2020 Bucket List.

May or June – Lake Tahoe, California

I have always heard of Lake Tahoe but always confused it with Lake Havasu. And I always just thought it was some nice lake in Northern California. Well, I was wrong. It is MORE than just a NICE lake! I swear, ever since I delved into the Travel world on Instagram, my eyes have been opened up to a whole new world of possibilities.
I never realized what a gorgeous place Lake Tahoe is. And it’s so close for us as well. As nature lovers, this is right up our alley. It’s great for outdoor enthusiasts and hikers. So yep, I’m adding it to our 2021 Travel List. I think we may even have a Timeshare that we can use there.

Why is Lake Tahoe on our 2020 Bucket List?

July – Anchorage, Alaska

Why is Alaska on our Travel Bucket List?

Okay, I really want to trek on some glaciers or explore an ice cave. And Iceland is just too far away for us right now. With climate change and global warming, who knows how much longer these icy areas will be around anymore. I really, really want to visit Alaska this Summer so I’ll definitely need to do more research for it. If anyone has any recommendations, please send them my way. I was debating over Anchorage or Juneau. And I really want to go Whale Watching as well. I hear you can whale watch in the harbor in Anchorage I believe, without going out to the open waters of the ocean which may cause major motion sickness problems for me. So fingers crossed that we can make Alaska happen!


September – Denver & Aspen, Colorado

Why is Aspen on our 2021 Travel Bucket List?

We visit Denver, Colorado almost every year for my husband’s company. He attends a large convention in the city and we always choose a nearby location to venture to afterwards. This year, we decided that Aspen might be nice to visit in the early Fall. The foliage may not be changing colors just yet since that happens later in October now, but I’m sure Aspen is full of lovely landscapes for us nature lovers any time of year.


October Girl’s Trip – Los Cabos, Mexico

Why is Los Cabos on my Travel Bucket List?

We have actually been to Cabo San Lucas before already, the hubby and I. But this is a girl’s only trip. Every year or so, a group of about a dozen girls get together from all over the US or other countries get together and visit a fun destination. We all met on the internet and we all have one thing in common. We’re all Childfree!
There is an excursion I really want to try in the Los Cabos area this year and cross it off my travel bucket list. It’s to experience the release of baby sea turtles! That’s why this location is on my list! Plus all the other beautiful and exciting adventures in the sun with my girl friends. Can’t pass this up!

December – Exuma, Bahamas

Why is Exuma, Bahamas on our 2021 Travel List

During the months of late November into most of December, my work becomes a whirlwind of mayhem. All the staff runs around like headless chickens and it makes taking time off impossible without causing trouble. But this year, I think it might be doable for us if I plan it just right.
The Exuma in the Bahamas is a tropical paradise! Neither Ilya and I have been to the Bahamas. And judging by my research so far, there are a few animal-friendly excursions that look super fun! For example, swimming with sharks, visit Pig Island, plus Iguanas and sea turtles and more! Check out Dan and Natty’s amazing Guide to Exuma at Mint Lyfe.

What’s on YOUR 2021 Travel Bucket List?

Our list is pretty extensive this year and we may not make it to all of them. But we can sure darn try! So cross your fingers for us that we can make most of it happen! Have you been to any of the above destinations? I would love to hear about it. Do you have any special places you hope to travel to this year? Let me know about it in the comments below.

Make sure to visit our Banff Alberta Blog post to see what we crossed off on our bucket list last year in 2019!

XOXO ~ Patti & Ilya

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23 Replies to “Our 2021 Travel Bucket List Destinations”

  1. What a fantastic bucket list! You’re so lucky to have these fantastic destinations reasonable close by! There is a lot of the US we haven’t explored and we’d love to see more of it. Death Valley looks beautiful!
    Iceland is on our bucket list this year for our honeymoon. Luckily, since we’re based in the UK, it’s just a short flight over there. I’ve visited before but I can’t wait to see more of the beautiful country.
    Good luck ticking everything off your list!
    Hannah | https://getlost.blog/

    1. UK is a great home base for all the wonderful European destinations. I’m so jelly!

  2. Egypt is on my 2020 bucket list!

    1. Oh wow! I’ve always wanted to go there! But it’s probably for another year. 😛

  3. You will love Lake Tahoe! I recommend waiting until at least mid June if you want to hike rather than ski. It’s lovely any time of year, though!

    1. Hiking for sure, I have no idea how to ski. haha

  4. So many amazing destinations! Seems like 2020 will be a fantastic year!
    I started the year in Italy, and I’m still not sure what’s next. There’s so much to see!!!

    1. What a great way to start the year with Italy!

  5. Great list! Looking forward for your next adventures!

  6. Great list! I really want to get to Colorado sometime too. I’ve never been, but it looks absolutely gorgeous.

    1. We visit Colorado almost every year! It’s a great state!

  7. This is an awesome list. I really want to visit Alaska as well – and I’ve never been to Hawaii! This year I’m planning Malta, Greece, Scotland, and California, but hope to add more soon!

    1. Your list sounds fab! California is amazing, but I live here so I have to say that. hehe

  8. What an epic list you have for 2020! Bahamas is one of my dream destinations and I’ve done a helicopter flight over the Big Island of Hawaii, this island is an epic place!

    1. I’m excited and scare about the helicopter. 😛

  9. So many good destinations!! I definitely want to visit Death Valley and Page!

    1. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get to visit them too! hehe

  10. This is a great list! I would like to adopt it as mine when we decide on a US road trip! Good luck on ticking them all off in 2020!

  11. What an incredible list! From Page to Mexico, you have covered many different geographies. Luckily i have been to most of the places in your list except for Anchorage. Your post encourages me to make my own list.

  12. Yay for travel bucket lists! I made one last year but it’s more like a master list vs for the year, so I’m looking forward to eveeeentually being able to cross everything off! New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, and Washington are on my list for this year though! :]

    1. Oh yeah, this was just our bucket list for 2020! 😛 My overall “master” list is way more international. hehe

  13. This is such a great list. Lake Tahoe is also on our lists, we’d love to go this summer.

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