One of Death Valley’s hidden gems is the Artists Palette painted hills. It is truly a majestic site to behold. You cannot visit Death Valley without making a stop here.
death valley california
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes Death Valley

The Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes in Death Valley is one of the most beautiful locations to visit in the National Park. It’s an amazing location in the middle of a barren desert that brings to mind stories of the Sahara Desert or Aladdin’s magic lamp.
Our 2021 Travel Bucket List Destinations

For the new year of 2020, I wanted to create a Travel Bucket List of destinations we would like to visit. Just for this year. We may not be able to visit them all, but it is nice to dream right?
What to do in Badwater Salt Flats California

One of the most unique landscapes of Death Valley is the Salts Flats of California. Known as the Badwater Basin, it was one of my favorite spots during our recent Death Valley trip.